Reframing Academic Rigor: The Embedded Rigor of Indigenous Ontologies

Reframing Academic Rigor: The Embedded Rigor of Indigenous Ontologies

Academic rigor is traditionally attributed to the methodical pursuit of knowledge within the halls of higher education. However, this recognition often bypasses the intricate systems of rigor that are inherent in Indigenous ontologies. These systems, defined by principles of care, responsibility, and relationality, hold profound standards of intellectual diligence that academia has yet to fully…

Dispossessed on Their Own Lands Occupied by Canada: Tackling the Crisis of Indigenous Houselessness

Dispossessed on Their Own Lands Occupied by Canada: Tackling the Crisis of Indigenous Houselessness

The pervasive issue of houselessness among Indigenous peoples in Canada not only reveals the depth of societal divides but also calls for a significant paradigm shift in societal thinking and problem-solving approaches. The growing visibility of ‘tent cities’ and widespread homelessness is a stark indicator of these divisions. To effectively address these challenges, Canadian society must transition from an individualistic mindset to one that embraces Indigenous wholistic perspectives.

Beyond Symbolism: Embracing Indigenous Law for Transformative Reconciliation in Canada

Beyond Symbolism: Embracing Indigenous Law for Transformative Reconciliation in Canada

The resignation of CN Rail’s Indigenous advisory council, as highlighted in Shari Narine’s report, is more than a corporate failure; it is emblematic of a systemic issue in reconciliation efforts in Canada. This incident underscores a crucial need for a fundamental shift not only in attitudes and acknowledgments but also in concrete policy, mandate, and…

Beyond the Surface: Disentangling Niceness from Kindness through an Indigenous Lens

Beyond the Surface: Disentangling Niceness from Kindness through an Indigenous Lens

In the tapestry of human interactions, the threads of ‘niceness’ and ‘kindness’ are often intertwined, yet distinctly different in their essence and implications. This article endeavours to dissect these concepts, exploring their nuanced differences and the societal perceptions surrounding them. This exploration is particularly poignant in the context of Indigenous cultures, where relationality and community…

Medicine Wheel Systems Theory and Combating Colonial Epistemic Violence
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Medicine Wheel Systems Theory and Combating Colonial Epistemic Violence

‘Beaded Elder: Tears of Colonial Devastation’, 2023 curated by Andrea Menard Abstract The Confluence of Medicine Wheel Systems Theory and General Systems Theory This paper employs an interdisciplinary approach by amalgamating Medicine Wheel Systems Theory (MWST), rooted in Indigenous cosmologies, with general systems theory, originating from Western scientific traditions. MWST adopts a wholistically-oriented, cyclical perspective…

Good Intentions and Their Limits in the Quest for Truth and Reconciliation
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Good Intentions and Their Limits in the Quest for Truth and Reconciliation

The landscape of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada is often punctuated by ‘good intentions,’ that in practice, fail to accomplish the transformative change that is urgently needed. Symbolic gestures, limited engagements, and superficial policies are the most glaring manifestations of such failed intentions. The ephemeral nature of these efforts belies a lack of systemic commitment…